
hair“I have been married since 10 years, I have two children (8 i 3 patch). We are materially well, we have a nice apartment, car but we are not happy with each other. After work, the husband comes back angry and clings to everything. He constantly draws my attention, worst, that he does it in a vulgar way, using terrible curses, and it is with children, and even strangers. Children start to fear him. How progressivewith such a man? Divorce is not an option, because my religious beliefs do not allow it. Besides, the kids want a daddy, and it seems to me, that I love my husband, although he hurts me and it is hard for me.”

It follows, that you chose a fate that was not the best, because I am suffering, but it is your choice. Since nothing can be done, it just can't be done.

There is a spark of hope, that your relationship, if he was ever better at all, at the moment, a classic marriage crisis with several years of experience is going through. Family therapists call it a stabilization crisis: basically everything is already there, children are raised, there is nothing to strive for, and what is more, it is not known, when warm feelings between husband and wife were replaced by routine. Maybe something new is needed in your relationship – some common passion, departure together… In any case, a way out of this vicious circle must be found. It is definitely not that way of reconciliation, how do you do it, for such a life in the name of religious beliefs and for that, so that "children have a daddy". The Lady is actually agreeing to life, being hell on earth.