Can a daughter be happy with a miser?

pot“A few months ago, my educated and independent daughter married a man with a similar status. Unfortunately, The son-in-law turned out to be an exceptionally stingy person. I don't feel obligated to do so, to spend at least a small part of your high salary on maintaining the house. He doesn't give his daughter a single zloty for it. It seems unacceptable to me. How to change the son-in-law?”

Some husbands consider it a matter of honor to keep the home and maintain the standard of living of the family for others – it is more convenient to cling to my wife's skirt. Women perceive the lack of financial support from a partner differently. Sometimes they see it as a challenge to take on roles considered typically masculine, sometimes they accept this state of affairs with suffering and humility, and sometimes they show disapproval and try to change this inconvenient situation.

I would advise you not to interfere in your daughter's marriage. She should think about it herself and make decisions. Let me just mention, that written and unwritten law (including good manners) they command, that both spouses bear the hardships of maintaining the house, as needed and possible. Shared cash register, joint planning of expenses and implementation of plans bind young couples together.