More vitamins in winter.

baby foodIn winter, your baby's body produces less vitamin D. (its production is stimulated by the sun's rays).
Therefore, take care to replenish its deficiencies. Give your baby fish oil capsules or vitamin supplements.

Vitamin C is equally important for the child's body, which protects against colds. So take care, that your child eat fruit rich in this vitamin every day and drink juices, np. orange, blackcurrant or grapefruit (sweetened!).

Don't worry, if in winter your child has an appetite for filling, fatty foods. Vegetable oils make, that the skin is more resistant to the influence of the weather, and animal fats (lard and butter) they are a source of energy.

These foods are rich in vitamin C.:
strawberries (cup) – 85 mg, orange (half) – 70 mg, Orange juice (half a cup) – 48 mg, grapefruit (half) – 39 mg, tomato juice (half a cup) or half a tomato – 22 mg

This is how much vitamin C your baby needs every day

0-5 months – 30 mg,

6-12 months – 35 mg,

1-3 patch – 40 mg,

4-10 years-45 mg,

11-14 years-50 mg