How to care for a hamster family?

hamsterIt happens, that the hamster you buy turns out to be a female and that… Pregnant.
A tiny pet, hassle-free, eats little, lives in a vivarium. Besides, it's nice, funny. You are buying a hamster. The joy of a child has no limits. He watches his pet for hours, until here suddenly, po 1-2 weeks you find in the morning in the hamster's lair… 6 little hamsters. The hamster you bought was a female and with hope. Since there are already seven instead of one, it is worth thinking about a comfortable place for them.

How to take care of the mother and the little ones
The main thing is to keep the cage clean. The litter must be changed frequently. Besides, the mother should be fed properly. Small ones require her care by 3 weeks. Then the mother leaves them - the hamsters are independent.

And now it is necessary to separate them. There will be quarrels and fights for space in their house (too small cage for the whole family) and food. The time has come, that you start looking for people willing to care for hamsters