Let us not disturb nature

babyChildbirth is a struggle. During it, a woman cannot be enslaved. The physiology and behavior of the woman in labor is then guided by nature and does not need to be disturbed.

During natural childbirth, a woman does not lie still on her back for hours. She may be walking, speak, take a bath, etc..

And take the most convenient position during the dissolution: on the side, on all fours, almost sitting and leaning against her husband, Movement during labor reduces stress, tension, This is conducive to the natural course of labor. The muscles are different, and the mileage itself is much lighter. The woman perfectly recognizes her needs and submits to them, and accompanying persons should only assist and assist,

What influences the proper course of labor?

Previously, the correct position of the fetus was indicated, the correct structure of the birth canal and the appropriate intensity of labor contractions. Today it is known, how important the psychological sphere is. You have to strive to eliminate the stress that generates, which, occurring in the first phase of labor, usually leads to a surgical solution.

Interesting, that the course of childbirth is influenced by the woman's relationship with her parents, mostly mother. If the said relationships are good, this is to be expected, that the push would go smoothly. When a woman is afraid of being a mother – as a result of sad experiences in the subconscious – the period of pressure increases. Knowing about it, you should take care of it, that our daughters would always find help and understanding with us.

Where does the certainty come from, that your childbirth will go smoothly?

Modern obstetrics applies strict supervision over the future mother, A good obstetrician knows down to the millimeter how pregnancy is developed, knows the parameters of the child, the female muscular system is examined, bone, etc.. There can be no mistaking the prognosis of the course of labor. Only in cases of high-risk pregnancy is it necessary to stay in the pregnancy pathology department:

A relaxed position during childbirth does not endanger the baby

Traditional backbirth is dangerous, which is confirmed by the research results. It is stated, that eight out of ten cases result in temporary obstruction of the inferior vena cava as a consequence of such delivery, most often causing unfavorable micro-oxygenation in the newborn, Currently, it is already possible to monitor cardiotocography during childbirth without lying on the back.

Can every woman give birth naturally??

She should. Even if they occur with her (not very big) complications, like for example. visual impairment or mild asthma. It would also be advisable, that every woman giving birth with a high-risk pregnancy should create conditions for natural childbirth in a highly specialist, academic ward of pregnancy pathology.

Do you need to learn about childbirth??

In schools, women learn about the stages of pregnancy development. They learn to know their body, define needs.
During the classes, pregnant women are accompanied by their partners. Conception is stressful for a family. Only a small percentage is open-minded and accepts the baby from the very beginning. School allows you to play the role of a mother, in the role of the father, develops an emotional and family bond between partners. A positive attitude towards childbirth and motherhood is created in an atmosphere of tenderness and acceptance so necessary for women.