Milk – I know what I'm drinking?

milkMilk is liquid, admittedly the main ingredient is water (states 87-89 proc.), but the other components do, that it is one of the most valuable food products.
100 g of homogenized milk with fat content 3,2 proc. ma 58 kcal. Water poses 88,8 g. protein 3 g, carbohydrates 4,3 g. Minerals: potassium – 1 39 g, calcium – 118, Phosphor – 85, sodium – 44, magnesium – 12 g, and zinc in small amounts, iron, copper. There are also vitamins in milk: A, B1, B2, PP and C.
The shelf life of the milk is very limited, therefore, the method of its processing plays an important role, packaging and storage. Currently, the most popular and effective method of processing is UHT (z ang. Ultra High Temperature – Ultrawysoka Temperatura). Ordinary pasteurization (milk in bottles and bags) consists in heating the milk to the temperature of. 72-76° C through 1 5-20 seconds, which allows only a few days to extend the shelf life, the milk must be kept chilled all the time (both during transportation, and storage).

The method of UHT processing is to heat the best quality milk, freshness and microbiological purity to a temperature of 135-150 ° C by 2 do 6 seconds, then rapidly cooled to about 20 ° C.

The milk thus obtained can be drunk without boiling (important to people. who do not like the "sheepskin coat”), store at room temperature for up to several months (importance – 6 months, after opening the carton, use it within 1 2 hours). The UHT processing method does not adversely affect the content of minerals and does not cause a loss of unsaturated fatty acids. Although heat-sensitive vitamins partially disappear due to heat treatment (some of group B: B1t B6, B12, and vit. C), however, they are fat-soluble vitamins (A. D, E) and some from group B. (riboflavin) are resistant to it. With one-time cooking of milk at home, the loss of vitamins is 10-40 proc., and in the UHT process – 5-20 proc.

Liquid food requires appropriate packaging, which allows you to maintain the nutritional value, protects against the loss of smell and taste values. These conditions are met by Tetra Pak cardboard packaging. Aseptic cartons weigh only 28 g. are easy to transport, they do not break, and the milk is not exposed to harmful effects of light and air.

Mleko UHT nadaje się do wszelkiego rodzaju deserów i innych potraw, we will not only get curdled milk from it.

A glass of water stimulates digestion

Persons, who have trouble digesting and having regular bowel movements, they should apply a very simple treatment. In the morning, drink a glass of cold water on an empty stomach, boiled water.