A full bowl

dog and catHealthy animals are cheerful, happy, energetic, they have a shiny coat and shiny eyes. The secret of well-being, condition and good appearance lies in proper nutrition. A meal that is cooked at home should consist of meat, groats, rice or cereal (depending on his taste preferences). These products provide the ingredients necessary for the proper development and functioning: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, fosforu i in.

The cat's food should also be very varied. Usually it is a portion of raw or cooked meat (beef, poultry or offal), milk, fishes, and sometimes white cheese, vegetables, noodles, less often rice. Lunch from a can or bag.

Dog and cat owners can also purchase ready-made foods. The so-called canned food is very popular. full portion, containing meat, offal, cereal proteins (rice, barley, oats, wheat, corn) and vitamins and mineral salts. Thus prepared canned food does not need to be supplemented with other ingredients.

Some canned foods only contain meat, so we should mix them before serving (relative 2:1) with petals, boiled rice or potatoes.

Without fear for the health of the dog, we can buy the so-called. dry food. It contains all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. A pellet-fed animal should receive significantly more drinking water.


Sweets, which most dogs like so much, should be served in moderation, because greediness also leads to obesity in animals. You can get drops in shops, chocolate, Biscuits, cookies, patties, containing, among others. proteins, vegetable fats, calcium, sodium, Phosphor, vitamins, biotin, non-woven fabric, cocoa or chocolate.

Karmimy kota.

Canned food generally contains meat (chicken or rabbit, fishes, beef, offal), fish salts, gelling agents, vitamins, sometimes groats. There is also a lot of dry cat food, fully balanced on the market, prepared from groats, meat, yeast, vitamins, fats. We serve it with plenty of drinking water.

In the West, pet owners rarely serve home-cooked meals. Much easier, and sometimes it is even cheaper to feed them with ready-made foods, especially dry ones. If we know, how much food our animal needs, we can calculate according to the given formulas, how much is its monthly maintenance.