We protect the dog from heat

piesPies, especially when it has a long and thick coat, is sensitive to heat.
The animal must have constant access to a bowl of water, so that it could quench its thirst at any moment. We should also take care of his hair more carefully. When it's dirty and tangled, the dog feels the heat more acutely. We brush and bathe him more often, we can also cut his hair, when they are too long – by yourself or at the hairdresser's. Let an overheated dog get water (but not very cold) and cover him with a damp cloth. During the day, let's at least partially close the curtains in the room, that the animal may lie down in the shade. And going e.g.. on the beach, let's take an umbrella for him. When we are traveling with a dog, let's remember, so as not to leave it locked, a hot car. He could get heat stroke, and even pass out.