Is the mother-in-law a shame?

old-woman“I know, that the Lord thinks the worst of mother-in-law. I know, that you believe, that mother-in-law do not deserve "no consideration and protection. What, then, will you say about a daughter-in-law who believes, that the 54-year-old mother-in-law, still professionally active, it should only entertain the grandchildren, Cook, wash and clean? What will you say about your daughter-in-law, which recognized, that since I've been living so long, then I should move from my house to their apartment in the block of flats, because her off will be useful for a "larger area. What will you say about your daughter-in-law, which forbids me from contacting my own granddaughter? You really do, that the mother-in-law are a scourge of mankind?”
Mrs, some mother-in-law are a scourge of mankind. Some mother-in-law may be victims of humanity. It cannot be generalized. And I will tell you about your daughter-in-law's behavior, of course, as bad as possible. He behaves inhumanly and silly. Please be tough: not to leave home, persevere and defend yourself against it, what this woman wants to cook.