Stocks for winter

The primary benefit of owning a garden is this, that we have our own fruit and vegetables in the summer and autumn. You know, that fresh ones contain the most valuable vitamins and mineral salts, but if more than we can eat at once, we should definitely keep them for the winter months in the form of various preserves. Good to remember, that proper preparation of the preserves guarantees their high nutritional value. There are many ways to preserve vegetables.

Peas can be dried at home and stored in this condition for later consumption. If we have excess cabbage, let's sour her, make a juice steamed in a juicer from red beets, we can cut kohlrabi into slices, blanch and freeze in the freezer, just like spinach, which you need to collect quickly, because it strikes inflorescence shoots and is no longer fit for consumption.

Vegetables store very well in moist sand in a cool cellar, which needs to be ventilated frequently and kept at a temperature of 4-5 ° C in winter. The best floor is made of compacted clay, on which a layer of sand approx 20 cm, and in it he plants tightly, with preserved roots, e.g.. late kohlrabi, head cabbage and others. It is only necessary to moisten the sand when necessary and constantly monitor the health of the products. We store the carrots a bit differently, namely under potatoes: potatoes protect carrots from too much water loss and dry out themselves less due to the increase in air humidity.