Vinegar – home use

vinegarVinegar. Where and like him use.

Vinegar, without a doubt, is in every kitchen. But its scope it is much wider than cooking.

Vinegar can help:

1. Deletes stains room from clothes. Before washing by 10 minutes moisten fabric vinegar and traces of sweat they will disappear very easy.

2. To wyto treat sore throat. Dissolve in a glass of warm water 1 table spoon apple cider vinegar i gargle.

3. Shiny hair. After washing rinse hair with the solution apple cider vinegar (1/2 table spoon with glass of water).

4. Removal muscle pain. Po intense exercises in the muscles accumulates lactic acid, which causes pain. WITHdo 20 minute compress (2-3 tablespoons of vinegar on a glass of water).

5. Peel off the price.Lecho warm vinegar soak sponge and moisturize label. Then will not peel off, not leaving sticky residue.

6. Remove rust. Small rusty objects (screws, nuts, nails, e.t.c) Boil vinegar, and then well rinse with water.

7. Delete musty smell. Wipe surface refrigerator, cabinet or food container with a damp cloth in vinegar.

8. Delete scum. Boil water with vinegar in the kettle, or add it to chambers rinsing while washing. Perfectly removes limestone vinegar.

9. Smell broken food. if you want to neutralize sharp Spices in the soup, add 1 a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

10. fix the color of the clothes. In order to to do, should be added 0,5 glasses vinegar do washing machine drum while washing.

11. Refresh the air. Air fresheners shop they often have pungent smell, which mixed with others is even more unpleasant. Wipe the surface solution vinegar In a room, spray her on the corners, a you won't notice, how bad will disappear smell.

12. Dissolve dried paint on brush. Boil some vinegar in the pan, immerse brush and gently rub about the bottom. Color will come down.

13. get rid of it ants. Dilute water with vinegar on half i popsikaj in place of, where they were insects. Vinegar will delete traces ants and they will go away.

14. Cleaning glasses, plastic and chrome. Dilute water vinegar half and rub dirty surfaces. Mix some vinegar i baking soda for cleaning stainless steel about high gloss and chromie.

15. Extend life bouquet. Add 2 tablespoons on 1 liter of water in a vase, wherein are cut flowers, they will be beautiful for much longer.

16. Prepare delicious meat for a barbecue. Glass apple cider vinegar on 2 glasses of water together from spices -take Marinate I guarantee juicy soft meat.

17. Clogged sink. Help hydraulics will not be necessary, w plugged outflow pour half glasses soda and flood 1/2 glasses vinegar. Po 30 min. flood boiling water. This way even the most durable blockages are removed.