My son has learning difficulties – how to help him?

shy child“The son has now 12 years. When was he supposed to 6 years, underwent viral meningitis. From the first grade he learned poorly. Admittedly, he had additional classes in an educational clinic, but nevertheless he repeated the fourth grade. In the opinion of the clinic sent to the school, it was written, that the son requires, that more time is devoted to him than to other students, that he is very sensitive and has a difficult family situation (I'm divorced, I do not have a job). However, the educator said, there are so many children in the classroom, that he cannot take care of my child individually. Should I transfer my son to another school, in which the level of learning is lower? Or maybe it could be taught individually? What should I do? I am asking for advice.”

The consent for the individual course of study or the reduction of school requirements is issued by a psychological and pedagogical counseling center. I don't suppose, that in the case of your son the first possibility would be possible, however, a correction of the requirements is very likely. Please contact the clinic as soon as possible. If, however, the decision issued there was not to your liking, you may try to transfer your child to another school. However, given the boy's hypersensitivity, I suppose, that he will have difficulty finding himself in the new conditions, making contacts with peers He will probably want to return to his old school then. If that happened, please do not disregard the child's opinion.