What to wear with white pants?

pants-white“I have white and light beige pants. What top can I wear with my height and figure?? I have 170 cm and weigh 85 kg,”

If we want to deftly cover up critical places, top garments should always be quite long and loosely around the figure. They cannot be inserted into the belt. Casual blouses, classic blazers, Twins, long vests and T-shirts with slits on the sides are the perfect combination pieces. You have a free hand in choosing the colors, everything goes with white and beige! But even more important than that, what's on top, it is, what's underneath, because the white pants are almost always see-through. The best are flesh-colored briefs, not very tight.
Any color goes with white and beige, Larger women should wear loose-fitting trousers, long mountains.