You and the baby are one now. To, what are you eating, is that too. Your diet is important to your little one's development and health. You need protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin C., zinc. We advise, where to find them.

I'm pregnant. Can I drink coffee? I can hurt a glass of wine? A sushi? What should I eat, that the child develops properly? You've probably been asking yourself these or similar questions right now, when you figured it out, that you will be a mom. It is worth taking a closer look at your diet from the very beginning of pregnancy. In the first few weeks, you may find it difficult to diversify your menu. Some healthy foods can make you feel sick, and even vomiting. However, this is not cause for concern. Don't force yourself into milk, since its smell alone makes you sick. Eat fruit yogurt. Choose healthy ones at the beginning of pregnancy, fresh, natural food. Give up strong coffee, tea, alcohol. As your baby grows in the second half of your pregnancy, it needs more and more nutrients. Your need for calories increases. But only Fr. 700 more kilocalories than before pregnancy. You don't need to eat very much, to provide the baby with this, what is necessary for him to develop properly. Toddler's bones are crying out for calcium, folic acid nervous system, iron blood, and protein cells. So that the iron is well absorbed, vitamin C is necessary, and that folic acid penetrates into the child's body more easily, the need for zinc. This is only apparently complicated. It is enough to know, what the individual products contain and balance the diet. Every day your diet should include products from all of the groups listed below:

  • fresh fruit and vegetables;
  • whole wheat bread, pasta, Brown rice;
  • meat, fishes, haha, nuts, legumes, milk and its products;
  • oil, Oil.

Why some nutrients are so valuable and where to find them?

PROTEIN – forms baby cells and is largely responsible for the proper growth of the fetus. You will find protein in: dairy products, lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes, whole grain groats, breads, makaronach. It will be best, how you will provide yourself with animal and vegetable proteins.
CALCIUM – is used to build the bones of the fetus. If the child receives too little of it, takes calcium from mom's body, which weakens her teeth and bones. You will find calcium in milk and milk products. Drink a glass of milk daily. If you don't like him, drink kefir, yoghurt, eat cheese. Lean products contain more calcium.

VITAMIN D – is important in the absorption of calcium. You will find her in: almonds, leafy vegetables (such as spinach, sorrel), lentils, salmon, sardines, dried apricots.

IRON – ensures that your baby's blood is properly formed and strengthens yours.
It is necessary for the construction of other tissues of the fetus. If mom's diet is not high enough in iron, she is at risk of anemia. Iron can be found in: lean red meat, egg yolk, nuts, oatmeal, beans, green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, brukselce), groats. Iron is more easily absorbed from animal sources. If you are a vegetarian, take more vitamin C., which helps in the absorption of iron.

VITAMIN C – participates in the formation of collagen, that is, the protein on which the proper development of tissues depends. Besides, it increases your immunity. The body does not store it, so it should be included in your daily diet. Look for vitamin C in: citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, parsley, strawberries and black currants.

ZINC – affects the condition of the skin, hair, mother's and baby's nails. You will find zinc in: wheat germ, sunflower seeds, lean meat.

FOLIC ACID – necessary for the proper development of the baby's nervous system, especially in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Providing the body with folic acid reduces the risk of a child's serious illness, such as: spina bifida, hare lip, heart defects. Look for folic acid in: spinach, broccoli, beetroots, bananach, nuts, cereal sprouts, wholemeal and white bread, potatoes, oily fish, orange juice.

Recommended products list
Cieciorka - has a lot of protein, iron, zinc, Folic acid.
Oat flakes - a rich source of folic acid, iron, vitamin B6.
Asparagus - have a lot of vitamin C..
Tofu - an excellent source of protein.
Sea fish - the unsaturated fatty acids they contain affect the development of the baby's eyes and brain.
Strawberries - they are rich in fiber and vitamin C.
Red pepper - has more vitamin C than citrus and contains beta-carotene.
Water - drink a few glasses of water a day.

List of products not recommended
Strong coffee, cola, tea - caffeine may disturb your baby's heart rhythm.
Blue and camembert cheeses - they contain bacteria, which can even lead to a miscarriage.
Raw meat (e.g.. tatar) – threatens infection with toxoplasmosis.
Raw seafood - they can be infected with bacteria, parasites.
Raw eggs and unpasteurized milk - danger of salmonella poisoning.
Large amounts of liver - excess vitamin A may be harmful to the child's development.
Freshwater fish - may contain chemicals from polluted lakes and rivers. Choose farmed or saltwater fish.