A way to deal with Satanism

satanismWhen your child becomes interested in witchcraft, occult, they are attracted to the philosophy of Satan worship, this should not be taken lightly. This is not an ordinary fashion.

Teenager, who has many conflicts at school or family, rebels against existing social norms, has a low self-esteem, he feels misunderstood and unnecessary is in fact a very lost man. Then it is easy to get fascinated by each group, which gives him a feeling, that he has a group of friends, prestige, power and the ability to make decisions about oneself. It could be a satanic group.

The philosophy of the Satanists is about destroying and doing evil. Satanic slogans are often passed on in the texts of some heavy metal works, in horror movies. Satanism negates traditional ethical and religious values. He offers a life for his own pleasure, it awakens the lust for power and revenge. The ritual of worshiping Satan involves the use of alcohol, drugs, with sex, by force, and even the harassment of animals and crimes.
Don't wait, until he grows out of it!
When objects of worship appear in the child's room, the way he dresses and behaves will change, moves away from the family, has worse grades, it's a signal, that you have to act. A child's curiosity or a momentary fascination can easily turn into a destructive obsession. How to act wisely?

♦ Do not command anything or forbid the child! It takes a lot of patience here. Talk to him. Find out about the sources of fascination and the degree of commitment.

♦ Discuss it, what causes, that worship is attractive to him. Be clear about what is good, and what is evil in life, in this way you will induce him to evaluate Satanism objectively.

♦ Prevent the isolation of the child! Peers from a different background (sport, courses, camp, holiday) can effectively extinguish aroused interests.

♦ Make deeper contact with your baby. Show more interest in him, cordiality, see his successes and praise them more often.

♦ Postpone other activities and find more time to talk to him every day. Right now he needs help and wise love.

♦ If you have no arguments when talking to your child, go to the nearest family clinic and take half an hour, to talk to a psychologist.

Some elements of the satanic cult:

• Pentagram, inverted cross, drawing of a swastika, np. on bags, clothes or this type of tattoo or worn jewelry.

• Notebooks and notebooks with a description of the rituals, spells and oath texts, black magic books”.

• Decorating the room (or basement or garage) with black fabrics and occult symbols.