Being a good mother is an art, which can be learned

a child is cryingMotherhood is a great event for a woman. But it entails new responsibilities and problems.

Don't neglect your husband. Arriving at an orphanage often causes a marital crisis. The toddler absorbs the woman's time and attention. I'm tired, sleepy and although she loves her husband, There's no time, to hug him. He feels unnecessary, unloved. Such a situation even threatens to break up the relationship. if it's possible, get help from your family or a babysitter. You will gain some time for yourself.

Enjoy your baby together. Instead of "my baby" say "our". Don't take your husband's help for granted. If he irons his baby's jackets or goes for a walk with him – tell him, that is wonderful. To wzmocni więź między wami i zmobilizuje go do dalszego wysiłku. Przytulaj się do niego, speak, that you love him. Don't just talk about your baby. He must know, that he is still important to you. Don't give up on your dreams. After having a baby, a woman often quits studying or working. But she shouldn't be doing it against herself. Sacrifice doesn't really help anyone. Mother, who has a sense of harm or failure in life, nie stworzy szczęśliwego domu. Dziecko wymaga stałej obecności matki tylko do 3 age. Then you can resume your studies or start working. Staying at home, you can develop, e.g.. by participating in courses. Do not be overprotective Many women have their feelings after having a baby, he places his hopes and aspirations in the toddler. They protect him excessively, they control every step. This may be due to the mother's fear of life, her insatiable ambitions or the emotional coldness between her and her husband. Focusing on the child is not good for him. It becomes fearful, dependent, has trouble interacting with peers. Aggression and rebellion may emerge over time. Don't decide to have a baby, if things go wrong between you and your husband. A toddler cannot cure your troubles.
Apart from having a baby, you should have other important things in life – friendly, passions.
The child has the right to live his own way.

If you overload them with an excess of expectations, they will not bear this burden. Let your child be independent.

Don't tremble for them, don't do it all the time, don't rush to help either, whenever there is a difficulty,

The little one has to learn to deal with troubles.