Living with a despot

maz-despot-tyrant“I have 32 patch, three young children and a husband, who is a terrible man. I think he has always been like this. We got married because of my pregnancy, under my mother's pressure. After returning from work, the husband is not interested in the family at all. He locks himself in the room and watches TV all the time. When the children want to play with him, he beats her, he screams and curses. There is also no harmony between us. We have a bad attitude towards each other, we lack trust and self-respect. The money for the house is charged to me down to a penny, although he himself does not regret anything. Blows are becoming more frequent. I get hit for children, because I stand up for them and I want to protect them from my father's blows… Can there be any better tomorrow in my marriage??”

Could be better tomorrow. Experience teaches, that will happen around that time, when you reach eighty years of age. Then all troubles fade away. By reading this letter, I started to imagine, that you are some kind of a masochist, who likes to be tormented terribly… I would advise you to think about spending the years between this age as soon as possible, what do you have now, and eighty in a more dignified way.