Modern contraception

sex2There are over a dozen types of different contraceptives available in pharmacies. There are several dozen condoms alone. You can get emergency remedies without a prescription, others require a visit to the gynecologist.

Research by Polish research centers shows, that until 34 proc. women do not use any method of contraception, To, who want to consciously control their sex life, have a choice:

Testers and fertility tests

Thanks to these small devices, it is possible to approximate the fertile and non-fertile days. The testers are reusable, tests are one-off.

• Elektroniczny termometr wskazujący stopień płodności (Bio-self 110),

• Test do oznaczania LH (luteinizing hormone) in urine.

• Test do oznaczania progesteronu w moczu.

• Tester optyczny do oglądania śluzu lub śliny (PC-2000, 0X-100. PG-53). Self-observation

• Test na ciągliwość; on fertile days, the mucus is drawn out for long periods, 10-25-cm. threads (on non-fertile days it is dense and non-ductile).

• Smoking test: heated mucus (on fertile days) turns dark brown.

Condoms for women with spermicide – pregnancy risk 5 proc., without spermicide 12 proc.

Condom (one-time) it has the shape of a bag with a length of approx 10 cm, ended with a disc on both sides (a closed disc is inserted between the posterior vaginal forge and behind the pubic symphysis, the outer disc curls over the labia). Condoms with nono-xynol spermicide are most effective 9 or 10. has an antibacterial effect, antifungal and antiviral. Benefits: protects against possible infection. Disadvantages: inconvenient to put on, instruuje ginekolog.

Vaginal ring (diaphragm, membrane) with spermicide – pregnancy risk 5 proc,, without spermicide – 15 proc. It has the shape of a dome made of very soft rubber. After intercourse, it can be removed from the vagina at the earliest 8 hours (due to the viability of sperm), The size of the disc is selected individually for each woman in the gynecological office (is 6 sizes), Benefits: for multiple use. Disadvantages: inconvenient to put on, selected and instructed by the gynecologist,

Neck cap – pregnancy risk 4 proc.

The shape of the cap resembles a large rubber thimble. You can wear it through 7 do 10 days. There are two types of caps (cervical is put on the cervix, cervical-vault for the neck and vaginal vault). Benefits: for multiple use. Disadvantages: risk of inflammation of the reproductive organ with prolonged wear. Intended for women only, which did not give birth. Instruuje ginekolog.

Condoms for men with spermicide – pregnancy risk 5 proc., without spermicide – 12 proc.

There are several dozen types of condoms available in Poland (aromatic, flavor, decorative. moisturizing). Benefits; easy to use, protect against infection. Disadvantages: very rarely some men experience allergic changes or are less sensitive to stimuli.

Chemical contraceptives – pregnancy risk 5-20 proc.

Creams, foam, globules contain nonoxynol. Benefits: wygodne

in use. Disadvantages: a high percentage of risk is related to misuse. They may not be very effective, when too little agent is used (with a large vagina, two tablets should be inserted, more foam, cream).

Mini-pill – pregnancy risk 2 proc.

A hormone pill containing only progesterone. Benefits: can be used by smoking women, who are breastfeeding or just before menopause. Disadvantages: is swallowed daily, may contribute to cycle disorders. Prescription by a doctor. Combined pill – pregnancy risk 0-0,12 proc.

It contains two hormones: progesterone and estrogen in various combinations. The tablets are swallowed by 21 days in a month. Benefits: high efficiency. Disadvantages: may cause bleeding, nausea and psychological discomfort during the first three months of use. Prescription by a doctor.

There are several types of combined pills. The tablets should be selected according to the hormonal type of the woman. Based on a blood test, the gynecologist determines the physiological level of hormones in the monthly cycle. Depending on the result, he recommends a preparation containing the appropriate percentage of progesterone and estrogens:

• preparaty normofazowe: estrogen is taken throughout the cycle. On the sixth or seventh day, progesterone is added:

• preparaty jednofazowe zawierają estrogen i progeśteron w stałych ilościach:

• preparaty dwufazowe: the estrogen content is constant, progesterone content increases in the second half of the cycle:
• preparaty trójfazowe: the amount of progesterone and estrogen fluctuates according to the natural cycle. Hormone injection – pregnancy risk less than 1 proc. Progesterone in the form of an oily or aqueous solution is administered intramuscularly at intervals 4-, 8-or 12 weeks or what 3 months. Benefits: has an extended period of action. Disadvantages: may cause irregular bleeding. Prescription by a doctor.

Implant Norplant – pregnancy risk less than 1 proc. Three-centimeter long rods are implanted under the skin on the forearm. Progesterone is continuously released from them. Benefits: enough for 5 years. Disadvantages: cycle disturbances during the first year. Implantation and removal require local anesthesia. Prescription by a doctor.

The morning after pill – pregnancy risk 2 proc.

It is swallowed after intercourse, but at the latest after 72 hours. It makes it impossible to get pregnant. Benefits: useful in emergency situations. Disadvantages: prescription only.