The main concerns related to childbirth

rece2Thinking about the upcoming solution, almost all women, especially these, who are expecting their first child, feel anxious. Serious complications are very rare, therefore, most of the fears are fortunately completely unfounded.

I won't get to the hospital in time.
Having a child on a tram, in the supermarket or on the street are rare cases. In most women, childbirth, especially the first, takes a few, and even a dozen or so hours. Therefore, do not go to the hospital right after the first occurs, weak and irregular contractions. Better to take a warm bath then, drink the herbal tea and take your time to make sure, have you packed all the necessary things. Only, when contractions start to appear co 10 minutes, ask someone to drive you to the hospital or call an ambulance. Only then should you be under medical care as soon as possible, when the waters of the amniotic fluid were broken. Then the frequency of contractions does not matter.

I'm worried, whether the baby will be healthy.
Even these women, who performed special tests during pregnancy, they are not entirely calm. It is worth realizing, that only a small percentage of babies are born with developmental defects. Severe damage to the fetus, as a result of which the child dies or remains handicapped, it is only a fraction of one percent of all births. Even if a newborn is born with a developmental defect, most diseases can be cured quickly and effectively thanks to the achievements of modern medicine.

I am concerned about perineal damage. How would a baby's head get through such a small hole? – this is the question many mothers-to-be ask themselves with fear. The vaginal walls, however, are very flexible and extend to that extent, that the baby is able to pass through the birth canal without damaging the tissues. However, when labor progresses quickly, and the skin is not very elastic, it happens, that the crotch area will not stretch enough. The skin may break. To prevent this, in the last stage of labor, the perineum is incised. This practice is used by almost all first-time women giving birth. The procedure should not be feared, because it is completely painless. It is then necessary to fix the stitches, which also doesn't have to hurt, because it is performed under local anesthesia. In multiparous women, experienced midwives massage the skin around the perineum, so you can avoid notching.

I fear loneliness in childbirth. Sense of security, what the presence of a loved one gives, is extremely important. The feeling of fear is reduced, making the pain less intense. Generally a woman is willing, that the child's father accompanies her during childbirth. It happens, that the partner does not want to agree to it, fearing too strong impressions. In this case, a friend may accompany the delivery, sister, mom or another close person. This is possible in many hospitals (best to determine in advance, where is the nearest). However, it is worth knowing, that the condition for a joint childbirth is completion by the mother and the person, which will accompany her, birthing course.

I want anesthesia, but I do not know, is it safe. An injection of anesthetic into the spinal cord completely eliminates the pain sensation. However, it is associated with temporary paresis of the lower body. The ladies are afraid, that this condition may last longer. These kinds of fears are unfounded. But it is true, that after childbirth, when the injection stops working, you may experience a nagging pain in your back. In rare cases, the pain lasts for weeks or even months. A woman may experience a headache for several days after giving birth. Some ladies, despite the fear of pain, they reject the possibility of anesthesia. The woman then has a very limited mobility and is not able to push very intensively. She loses control of the developing labor to some extent.

I'm afraid, that the pain will be unbearable.
The strength of the sensations you experience in childbirth can vary widely. And so the impression, which one of the women in labor would describe as unbearable pain, for the other, it will be just a very hard effort. You can learn to master pain – preferably at birthing school. There, you learn about the rules of proper breathing in different stages of labor. This helps to relieve tension effectively, which brings relief.

I do not trust the health service.
Women are often afraid, that medical personnel can make decisions during labor, which will not be affected. Worth knowing, that no surgery (except in critical situations, when it comes to saving lives) cannot be performed without the consent of the patient. A woman has the right to be informed about the course of labor, about that, what medications she is receiving and what treatments await her. He may require the presence of a doctor and a midwife. If there are no contraindications, she is allowed to administer anesthetics.

I feel fear of complications – forceps delivery or caesarean section.
The decision to accelerate the dissolution is made by the doctor for the best interests of the child or mother. When special forceps are used, the baby's head may be slightly injured, but it is a minor injury, healing after a few days. In the case of e.g.. If it is incorrectly positioned, a caesarean section is performed (under anesthesia or anesthesia). The woman stays longer in the hospital, however, he recovers quickly. Maybe breastfeeding.