Preterm babies

Preterm babies

Situation, when a baby is born before the due date is due, it is a problem, which affects every tenth family. Their reality begins to revolve around thoughts and actions aimed at improving their baby's developmental prospects. A premature baby is a newborn born before delivery 37 tygodnia ciąży z objawami niedojrzałości anatomicznej i czynnościowej wszystkich narządów i układów. Wcześniaki mogą mieć zróżnicowaną masą ciała – od 500 grams to 2500 grams. Despite, that extremely immature premature babies are being saved more and more often, near 80 % perinatal mortality concerns premature newborns. The shorter the pregnancy lasted, that is, the deeper immaturity of the newborn baby, the more severe the adjustment disorders, longer lasting and the prognosis for life and development uncertain. Dlatego opieka nad wcześniakami i wszelkie problemy zdrowotne z tym związane sprawiają, that the everyday life of these families with premature babies is different from the typical happy moments of a newborn baby. "Prematurity" because, it does not end after leaving the neonatal ward - this is just the beginning of a tangled road , covering the treatment process, therapy, rehabilitation and education. 17 November is the World Premature Baby Day. Everyone on that day, who are no strangers to the fate of the world's weakest creatures, they turn on a purple light as a sign of solidarity.

To już dziewięć lat kiedy nasze pociechy przyszły na świat i jak co roku o tej porze zatrzymujemy czas i wracamy do przeszłości przypominając sobie tamte trudne chwile. Wcześniak to wyzwanie, it is fear and apprehension, it is a constant struggle with the adversities that arise every day. From the first minutes of life, neonatologists take up this challenge and form a team together with their parents, which aims to prepare this innocent creature in the best possible way for the coming years. Every parent of a premature baby is aware of the burden of responsibility. In our situation, it is often so large, that would be enough to say ! Unfortunately, we parents have no choice. This is a "one way ticket" trip. We live with awareness, that our babies are not from a single term pregnancy 40 week of pregnancy, and only to 26 week, that's why we belong to the group of people, who live on a time bomb. Despite the deeply etched awareness of parental responsibility, we will repeat ad nauseam, that the health condition of our children is a great MIRACLE, which in no way exempts us from continuing the actions taken and keeping our finger on the pulse. Every little person needs time, attention and care, to pay back after some time with a tender look and a broad smile.

The huge amount of work my parents put in, doctors, rehabilitators, speech therapists, educators and other people of good will makes, that more and more premature babies recover from their "imperfections" in a way that is imperceptible to the human eye. It makes every parent happy and touched ! when his baby is on his feet for the first time, will take the first step, will paint the walls, break a few vases, he will scratch the car with a stone, to say after several years:

"I am parents, we are proud of you ". For these words, it is worth trying to get a new paintwork on the car.

Every year 17 November, the World Premature Baby Day is celebrated all over the world, these are numerous events and medical symposia aimed at bringing the society to the increasingly frequent problem of premature birth and the numerous risks associated with it. Foundations are the organizers of these events, grassroots social initiatives and state institutions, including the President of the Republic of Poland.

Life writes different scenarios and we never know what fate will bring us tomorrow. Nine years ago, God set us an extremely difficult task. Extreme prematurity. As young, ignorant people by the force of faith, stubbornness and hard, arduous work every day brought us to the situation, when our premature babies can function in society despite their hidden imperfections.

Dlatego w tym miejscu chcielibyśmy przekazać gratulację wszystkim osobom, which contributed to this success and wish the parents of premature babies patience on the occasion of this holiday, perseverance in achieving your goals and faith in things, which to the naked eye seem impossible ...