How to choose a birth school

How to choose a birth school

Birthing school is the perfect preparation for parents to welcome a new family member. These classes are especially important for expectant mothers, but they can also be an important experience for a father. Run by a professional, help you prepare for childbirth, while teaching, how to take care of a baby during the first days or weeks of his life.

Birthing schools may be run by obstetrician-gynecologists, midwives, associations or private companies employing specialists in this field. Choosing a specific option, be sure to check, what qualifications the person has, who will share their knowledge with you. Additionally, it is worth asking the opinions of the existing customers of this school. Rather, it is not advisable to make only cursory observations. Young leaders are not always too little experienced, and elders do not always rely solely on outdated methods. Therefore, checking your opinion on the web or asking your friends will be very valuable.

When choosing a birthing school, it is also worth paying attention to the number of couples participating in the classes. The optimal number is no more than 8 through, because with more, you can't count on an individual approach to parents. Of course, it is also extremely important to check the curriculum itself. An ideal plan will be to convey knowledge of all types of birth, its course, possible complications, recommended behavior, available anesthesia options. You should also find out, how you can reduce the pain, how to push properly, what role is to be played by your partner in labor. Women will also learn how to breathe properly during contractions and pressures. An important aspect of the lessons in childbirth school will be teaching future mothers relaxation forms, which will prepare their body for childbirth. Well, if taught simple Kegel exercises, they will find out, how to massage the perineum, to avoid rupture during childbirth. They should also find out, what positions are most comfortable in labor. Ultimately, good birthing school teaches this too, how to take care of a newborn baby - rewind it, drip, feed.

By getting to know the curriculum, you will find out, whether the views of the lecturers are similar to these, that you and your partner profess. It will be pointless to attend lessons, which you will not use, because you decide on a different solution. in addition, well, if, similar to you and to those who teach at labor school, the doctor in charge of your pregnancy thinks. Such convergences will allow a calmer approach to childbirth and medical care, what will be provided to you during it.