Which pet to choose for a child

hamster“A few-year-old son wants a ward. We agreed, that it will be a Syrian hamster or a guinea pig. Which of these animals is more suitable for a little boy?”

Congratulations on your decision. Caring for a pet creates a sense of responsibility in children. It is up to them, whether the mentee is hungry or full, whether he has a clean or dirty cage. Basically both the hamster, and the piggy are very nice creatures. Hamsters are smaller and don't demand tenderness from their owners like pigs. However, they can be extremely mobile and try to escape from the cage at all costs. It happens. that they also escape from the apartment through the hole near the pipe or behind the cabinets. Mumps, it's okay. In addition, the pigs quickly get used to the owner and greet him with a characteristic whistle. They are usually calm, they let themselves be held. pet and hug. After some time, if you let them out for a walk around the apartment. they will follow the owner like a dog. For a child, such evidence of friendship is an additional stimulus to loving care.