Pineapple – royal fruit

pineappleIt comes from Brazil, then he traveled as far as Africa and Asia,finally conquered Hawaii, Florida and Cuba. In Europe, it grows in greenhouses.
Hardly anyone knows, that this exotic fruit has excellent nourishing and regenerating properties. The aromatic flesh contains vitamins A, B1 B2 i C, a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. This set of vitamins does, that pineapple masks are very valuable for the skin, especially washing it with juice, simultaneously washing his face with its juice, which is also anti-inflammatory. When we add a few drops of vitamin E to fresh pineapple juice, we will get a tonic for normal and dry skin. It is best to use it on your face during the evening toilet.

Pineapple juice with the addition of olive oil heals cracked cuticles around the nails. We squeeze the pineapple juice, we add a tablespoon of olive oil to it and soak the tips of our fingers in it (by 30 min).