A little guide to oils

vinegarThe choice is increasing, a i my, knowing, that they are healthier than animal fats, we use oil more and more in the kitchen. However, not everyone is suitable for everything.


Strongly fragrant, resembles nuts. Suitable for salads and shellfish. If the flavor is too intense, it is better to combine it with neutral oil (1 spoon of peanut oil with 2 spoons of sunflower seeds).


Before it was replaced by sunflower oil, was the most popular. It has a mild flavor, it is suitable for both frying, and for cooking.


The richest in vitamin E and one of the richest in unsaturated fatty acids. Best in salads and cold dishes, but you can also fry on it.

olive oil

The pure special is aromatic, intense in flavor. Best for salads and cold dishes. Inferior types of oil can be used for warm dishes.


It has a golden yellow color and a neutral flavor. It contains a lot of vitamin E., but less than sunflower oil. Great for baking, frying, stewing and for salads.


It is light in color and has a distinct flavor and aroma. It is versatile. But better for salads, when heated it smells bad.


Can be used for anything: for frying, choking, baking, for making salads, sauces, mayonnaise. There are also flavored rapeseed oils: paprika, garlic.