Laughter is a great therapy for body and soul

masterWe are honest about him, joyful, hearty. We also often add, that it soothes the morals.
And we always emphasize, that laughter is health. It not only heals complexes, it also improves your mood.

The healing effect of laughter prompted the Swiss to open a luxurious clinic, in which this unusual therapy is used. Perhaps, therefore, such a specialized institution will be established here as well. The more so as there is no need to convince anyone about the benefits of laughter. Physiologists and psychiatrists can even prove them. What benefits – beyond mere pleasure- gives a laugh?

It relieves negative emotional tensions, relieves stress. It is a wonderful method of dealing with any troubles and failures. It allows you to distance yourself from things, which often cause nervousness and inner anxiety.

Breaks down psychological barriers – fear, shyness. As a rule, it is also very effective in relieving aggression. It is sometimes the best way out of embarrassing social situations and saves you stress.

Increases the level of adrenaline in the blood. Thus, it positively stimulates the nervous system. It brings relaxation, while increasing internal mobilization and giving a sense of greater physical fitness, and intellectual.

It improves breathing. The lungs work harder, they get more oxygen. On the other hand, they release carbon dioxide faster. This accelerated exchange results in better oxygenation of all body cells, including cerebral. Consequently, it has a positive effect on mental performance.

It speeds up the heart rate and raises blood pressure. The blood circulating faster around the body forces all organs and cells of the body to work more intensively. It leads to them more valuable and needed ingredients, and at the same time it cleanses of the harmful ones. Later, for a long time yet, these organs work more efficiently.

It tones up a lot of muscles, it also improves the functioning of some internal organs. Laughter causes the muscles of the face to contract, back and shoulders, chest, diaphragm and the entire abdomen, which is an excellent gymnastics for them. At the same time, these contractions are a kind of massage for the liver and spleen, for example.

Provides health and serenity. People, who laugh often, they live longer, have a healthier heart and suffer less from pressure disorders – so say physiologists. They arouse sympathy, they also break the social ice quickly, make contacts with other people easier – say psychologists. They cope with difficult life situations more easily, they are also easier to fight disease. Laughter is simply essential to both your mental health, and physical.

It adds charm. Laughter is also essential for beauty, although it is sometimes said, that it causes wrinkles, especially around the eyes. But at the same time it is the most wonderful natural massage for all the muscles of the face and neck. Reasonable beauticians usually emphasize, that wrinkles cannot be avoided anyway, so it's best to have one, which result from a cheerful disposition. They will certainly add much more charm than the expression of bitterness frozen in wrinkles.