Collagen for stretch marks

Collagen for stretch marks.

Collagen not only facilitates skin regeneration by eliminating stretch marks, but also moisturizes the skin, lifts it and strengthens it by eliminating or preventing cellulite. It is one of the most effective means in the fight against anyone (literally) skin problem, and most importantly, it has a much deeper and more comprehensive impact than we assumed.

Collagen is a protein

So the basic building block of the human body, in which he constitutes up 30% all proteins. Collagen is responsible for the properties and parameters of the skin, i.e.. its resilience, firmness, hydration and regenerative abilities, but otherwise he participates (to a greater or lesser extent) in the work of almost all tissues, organs and entire systems, a starzenie jest między innymi skutkiem tego, that with age, the ability to synthesize collagen weakens, resulting in diseases, ailments of various kinds and deterioration of the quality and strength of our skin.
Collagen deficiencies can also be the result of permanent mental and physical stress to which our body is subjected. Even overtraining and ordinary fatigue exposes us to deficiencies of this protein or weakening of its quality. As a result, there are various types of skin defects, including stretch marks.
But let's remember, that permanent collagen deficiencies can destabilize the work of the whole organism, with particular emphasis on the locomotor apparatus and the immune system, because collagen is a kind of protective shield against the so-called. pathogenic bodies. It limits their ability to penetrate and spread throughout the body.

From the point of view of the skin

In addition to elastin and keratin, collagen is the most important protein that provides the skin with an appropriate level of tension, hydration, firmness and endurance. If the body produces defective collagen fibers, the skin becomes very susceptible to stretch marks and their appearance can occur even at a very young age. From a physiological point of view, even if the body is functioning properly, and the collagen fibers are wholesome, more or less from 25 years of age, deficiencies of this protein begin to appear anyway. This phenomenon (what can I say - it's called aging) is in a straight line the result of the so-called cavities. soluble collagen, synthesizing which the body gradually limits more and more. After the age of thirty, disturbing symptoms of aging appear: atrophy of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which increases the degree of skin dryness. This, in turn, is the result of the gradual weakening and disappearance of elastin and collagen fibers.
It is generally bad. Collagen is synthesized all the time, but destructive processes increasingly dominate the regeneration processes and thus our appearance (and well-being) it gradually deteriorates. In other words, we are getting older and older.
This process cannot be prevented, much less reverse it. However, it can be slowed down by replenishing collagen losses and this is where cosmetics enter the scene.
Cosmetics, which not only inhibit the aging process, but they also regenerate skin with stretch marks caused by stress, excessive tissue growth, etc..

Collagen for stretch marks and other defects

Collagen cosmetics contain soluble collagen. Replenishing the level of this collagen provides the body (the skin) appropriate conditions for regeneration.
By using cosmetics with collagen, we gain:
– increasing the level of skin hydration,
– natural, bezinwazyjny lifting,
– significant reduction of stretch marks,
– cellulite reduction,
– improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin throughout its cross-section,
– reduction and even disappearance of discoloration,
– smoothing scars other than stretch marks,
– delaying the aging processes,
– acceleration of skin regeneration processes after burns and other injuries,
– support in the fight against acne and rosacea (collagen alleviates their symptoms).

W sumie same zalety. Disadvantages? The disadvantage is the price of cosmetics containing valuable, easily digestible collagen. Nevertheless, it is worth reaching for them. W porównaniu z drogimi zabiegami kosmetycznymi kolagen i generalnie kremy na rozstępy wciąż pozostają znacznie tańszą alternatywą.