Ways of baldness

Ways of baldness

Baldness is an eternal enemy of man. The fight against it has been going on for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, a popular antidote to hair loss was an ointment made from hippopotamus droppings or powdered dog's paw.. The Romans reportedly saved their hair with the juice of radish and cabbage. Until our time, many "miracle" measures have already been tested, such as frog decoction, canine or human urine, pepper extract, lizard oil. Until recently, it was believed, that hair will grow stronger like grass in a stadium from frequent cutting, and baldness can be cured with light therapy, acupuncture, laser or paraffin injections. It is also known, that castration could bring excellent results - the hormones responsible for hair loss are produced in the testicles, however, it would probably be difficult to find anyone willing to undergo such treatment. What is really effective in the fight against baldness? Here are the latest therapies and predictions for the future, as well as some fantastic ways to hide the problem.

Effective therapies

How much people care about their hair can be proved by even a fact, that there are as many as registered in the United States alone 300 thousand. means and methods available on the market. Meanwhile, only three preparations turn out to be an effective drug in many cases.


It inhibits the action of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase and reduces the formation of DHT. By acting on the hair root, Serum SpeLa 707 rebuilds hair roots, supports the division of hair cells and their rapid regeneration.

The shampoo prevents hair loss and the appearance of dandruff, nourishes the hair root at the same time.


It was discovered in the late seventies, on the occasion of clinical trials on a new drug for hypertension. Turned out, that a side effect was too much hair growth all over the body, even in the ears. So they tried to rub the specific into the scalp and it turned out, that it does its job perfectly - the hair stops falling out and grows new hair. Minoxidil is recommended for both men and women. Minoxidil solution is found in many Polish and foreign preparations available on the market (e.g.. Loxon or Regaine). Usually, you need to apply it to your scalp twice a day. Results can be expected in approx 2 months. The treatment is most effective in young people, who have just started losing their hair. Unfortunately, it has this disadvantage, that hair falls out again after discontinuation of therapy.

Its trade name is Propecia. These are tablets commonly used in prostate enlargement. They cannot be prescribed to premenopausal women, because there is a risk of serious genetic defects in the fetus. It is also not suitable for the treatment of alopecia areata, caused by an infectious disease or cancer treatment. The drug blocks the synthesis of the hormone, which causes abnormal hair growth. The efficacy of finasteride in men with androgenetic alopecia is very high - in 2/3 cases, new hair grows. You have to wait at least for the first effects of the treatment 3 months and keep it in mind, that relapse occurs when the drug is discontinued. The cost of such therapy is approx 200 PLN per month.
The above preparations are currently the most effective treatments against baldness and in many cases they work perfectly. But not always… Then you can reach for the products, which will hide the problem perfectly.


Although in ancient Egypt, alopecia was struggled, it was customary to shave the head for hygienic reasons and put on it a lush wig made of human or animal hair. In long, the black curls hid perfume bottles. The most spectacular wigs were worn by French aristocrats in the Baroque era. They were real, multi-story structures based on wire frames. They were decorated with feathers, jewels, flowers, and even miniature models, e.g.. the ship. They were not only the habitat of various insects, but also put a heavy strain on the head. Nowadays, wigs are used by many people as a way to mask baldness, as an addition to a fashionable outfit or a stage prop. Every day or then, when we want to change our hairstyle immediately and without consequences. Cher is famous for her predilection for wigs, Tina Turner, Dolly Parton i Raquel Welch.

Systemic hair prostheses

This solution is very popular all over the world. You can have hair without a scalpel and without suffering, that will look completely natural! A prosthesis is different from a wig, that it is fastened - there is no danger, that it will slide off at the wrong moment and this, that it is selected individually to the appearance and needs of the client. Each prosthesis consists of a base, hair and fastening system. There are many solutions of this type available on the market that differ in the way they are made, materials, quality, as well as the price. The most common method SecondHair Systems® using the latest technologies and achievements of scientists from around the world, m.in. from the United States, from Canada and Japan. The highest quality materials used in it are hypoallergenic. Everything is supervised by professionals with many years of experience.
SecondHair ® it is used not only in people, who lost their hair, but also for everyone, who are not satisfied with their hair and would like to have a much thicker hairstyle. In any case, the effects are amazing! Thanks to SecondHair ® you can feel at ease, because after a few days we start treating new hair as if it were our own, without feeling any discomfort - you can do everything in them - swim, to run, sleep. New hair is washed with ordinary shampoo and water. They can be cut, dye, thicken, extend etc..
The method is completely safe, not allergic, it has no side effects!

Hair transplant

The beginnings of hair transplantation were not the best. W 1913 year in America, the device-pistol was patented, who had single hair injected into the scalp. Unfortunately, it was only up to… first brushing. Once again, it got loud about hair transplants 1952 year thanks to the American Norman Orentreich. His method was to "transplant" discs with a diameter from the hairy part of the head to bald areas 4 mm. A small amount of hair could be transplanted at one time, therefore the treatment had to be repeated many times, and its effects were far from perfect.
The real turning point in hair transplantation took place only in 1996 year. It was then that individual hair follicles from the occipital part were transplanted (The hair that grows there turns out to be resistant to hormones). And you can count on one each for a satisfactory result, two treatments. However, hair transplants are still being improved, very tedious and expensive. To enjoy its effect, you need to find a really good specialist.

What is hair transplantation?

It is a skin graft along with the entire hair follicle complex. Hair only transplantation is not possible. Cutaneous islet, that we carry has a diameter 0,6 – 0,9 mm and contains from one to three hair follicles. This skin islet is called an implant.
Implants are taken from the head area, where the amount of hair is large enough. Usually it is the occipital area. Collecting hair for transplantation involves cutting a strip of skin along with the hair growing there, and then dividing the strip into appropriate size implants. In place of, where we want to supplement the hair, we make the appropriate number of holes in the skin, and then insert the previously prepared implants into them.

Do we have a guarantee after using this method?, that the hair transplant will be successful and the hair will not fall out?

Hair for transplantation is taken from the site, where they are not sensitive to changes in androgen levels, and thus they do not fall out under their influence. When transferred to another place, they retain this feature and grow until the end of their lives. Of course, such a guarantee only applies to androgenetic alopecia, the so-called. male. If the hair loss occurs as a result of an illness and affects the entire scalp area, this method should not be used.

Why does the hair fall out mainly in the frontal-parietal area?, and remain on the back of the head and temples?

Whether we'll be bald, tall, fat or skinny is written in our genes from the beginning of our lives. However, the mechanism of baldness inheritance has not been established so far. Hair deteriorates after puberty in every human being, their number is decreasing. The severity of these negative changes depends on it, how many hair follicles prove to be sensitive to androgens appearing in the blood after puberty. Sensitive follicle cells, have an enzyme in their nucleus responsible for the production of dihydrotestosterone. This metabolite of testosterone damages cells, that produced them. Based on the research it was found, that androgen-sensitive hair follicles are located in the fronto-parietal area, and almost never in the fronto-occipital area. Thus, even in severely balding people, there is usually enough hair left for the treatment and it is resistant to falling out.

How much hair should be transplanted to eliminate any visible baldness?

It depends primarily on the number of bald patches and the type of implants used. We have to realize, that using this method, we do not add a single hair to the patient, we only change their arrangement. We take a certain amount of hair from the site, where there are a lot of them and we move them to the desired places. So there are limits to what is possible, which cannot be exceeded. A completely bald person cannot count on this treatment.

Is the procedure painless?

In the age of modern anesthetics, no surgical procedure can be painful. The same goes for hair transplantation. We use local anesthesia, completely excluding pain sensation in the entire operated area.
Anesthesia works during the procedure and for several hours after it.

Does this type of treatment have inconvenience and side effects?

A patient deciding on this type of therapy should be aware, that it is a surgical treatment, belonging to plastic surgery. Like any surgical procedure, it has some inconveniences. The patient must be prepared for the procedure in terms of medicine and psychology. He should know what to expect and what end result he can expect. You have to warn him, that she may be in a worse psychophysical condition for a few days after the procedure. There will be swelling and bruising in the operated area. Pain is minor. After five – seven days, the patient should not feel any negative effects of the treatment. We remove the sutures from the collection site on the ninth day. The risk of complications is comparable and even lower than after tooth extraction.

Who can undergo the procedure?

The most numerous group of patients are men with typical androgenetic alopecia. We also operate on women and adolescents with hair loss as a result of trauma diseases, congenital hair loss. The condition for the procedure is a sufficient amount of hair in the donor site.

How high are the costs of treatment?

The cost of the entire treatment is quite high and amounts to several thousand zlotys. However, it is more than twice cheaper than in Western Europe or the USA.

Perhaps not everyone knows yet, but there are cosmetics that perfectly mask thinning hair. They are products, which give an immediate effect, improving your appearance and making you feel better. They have been used by show business people for many years, are slowly becoming more common. They are an alternative to hair transplant and a method often used by people waiting for a hair transplant. Thickening cosmetics can take various forms: pasty, spray, powder. The latter are most often used. Miniature keratin fibers spread through the hair and bind with it electrostatically. The hair looks thicker immediately.
That's a good solution for someone, who still has a lot of natural hair, to which the specific can stick. After spreading the powder, it is recommended to spray the fixing spray, which will preserve the effect. The product is washed off with a normal shampoo. The powder can be matched to any hair color.

Alternative therapies

You have noticed, that your hair is no longer as lush as it used to be? Every morning you lose more and more of them? Do not worry. There are many ways, to help stop hair thinning. In addition to those scientifically proven, there are also such measures, whose recipes passed from mouth to mouth were created many centuries ago. Are they effective? Everyone should decide it personally. As a curiosity, we present some of the most famous folk methods of treating baldness.
Scientists say, that the main culprits behind alopecia areata are genes, allergy or high emotional stress. According to folk beliefs, this disease is a manifestation of "nerves", but it can also testify to the presence of "worms" in the digestive tract. Some people think, that it can be infected with a hairdresser who does not care for hygiene, others are convinced, that they lose their hair, because they did not protect the head with a cap on frosty days. But there are also such, who see a curse or a mental illness here.
How the problem was dealt with with home remedies? In Africa and in southern Europe, compresses of essential oils obtained from compresses are still practiced today, m.in. with rosemary, sage, basil and lavender. In Thailand, where herbal medicine is very common, balding patients are recommended preparations obtained from exotic, local plants. And the people of Calabria (southern Italy) For centuries, the oily concentrate of hot red pepper has been considered the best home remedy for hair loss – chili pepper.
If anyone believes in the effectiveness of homeopathy, may try to stop the baldness, using Dagomed granules no 47 Thallium. Willing to look for the psychological basis of their illness, they should try one of the deep relaxation techniques recommended by psychiatrists. So before you find the conventional method that is right for you, you can also try Chinese acupuncture or ask for a curse removal from a specialized fairy :-).

Aromatherapy for alopecia areata

When other treatments have failed, safe unconventional methods can be used. One of them, consisting in rubbing a special mixture into the scalp, w 1998 Scottish scientists decided to check this year. The study was subjected to 86 patients suffering from alopecia areata. Effect? W 44% significant improvement has been noted. What this wonderful potion consisted of? Here is the recipe: 2 drops of thyme oil, 3 lavender essential oil drops, 3 drops of rosemary essential oil, 2 drops of cedar oil. Essential oils should be dissolved in 3 ml jojoba oil and 20 ml of grape seed oil. Unfortunately, the use of this therapy is quite laborious. The prepared mixture should be rubbed into the scalp every day 2 minutes, and then wrap your head with a warm towel. The compress must be left for an hour. The authors of the experiment assure, that it is one of the best remedies for alopecia areata. Is it true? It doesn't hurt to try, nor will it ruin your wallet.

Stress and hair loss

When something extremely stressful happens in your life, suddenly your hair may start to thin. You wake up one morning and look in panic at a pillow covered with hair. Not a few singles, but dozens of hair, and even whole bands. The same fear overwhelms you, when you brush or dry your hair with a towel. "Am I going bald?”- you ask yourself.
Stress is one of the most factors contributing to hair loss. In professional terminology, the condition of increased hair loss caused by physical or mental stress is called telogen effluvium.. Growth period (anagen) the hair is shortened and the hair falls out faster, skipping the middle sleep phase (katagen). You can then observe a sudden increase in the amount of hair loss during daily care activities. Telogen effluvium is the second most common after androgenetic alopecia. It can appear at any age and regardless of gender. However, its effects are usually fully reversible.

What can cause so much stress?
In the first group of causes, we will include those related to physical stress, which has a direct impact on the growth of the hair follicle. We will count to her: pregnancy and childbirth, stopping or changing the contraceptive, surgical operation under anesthesia, serious personal injury, a draconian diet with significant weight loss in a short period of time, and severe illness, especially, when they are accompanied by high fever. The second category is mental stress caused by e.g.. serious car accident, removal, a wedding, cheese or family problems, exams or the death of a loved one. Each of the above situations can cause radical changes in the body. This loss of balance has consequences. Hair follicles are made of very sensitive cells, whatever happens to our body, it immediately reflects on the hair.

How it manifests itself?
A warning sign is increased hair loss and a significant loss of density. Most of us then panic. Some people run to a specialist with a bag full of hair, to make your problem visible. Happening, which caused such a situation probably happened much earlier: from 6 weeks to months. Now, sliding your fingers between the hair, each time we have a large number of them in our hands. They fall out evenly all over the head, including the sides and the back of the skull, in contrast to androgenetic alopecia. An additional concern is this, that the regrowth of hair is much finer and thinner than the old ones.

What to do?
Any prolonged excessive hair loss should be consulted with a doctor. This may be the first sign of genetic baldness, symptom of lack of adequate nutrients, anemia or the result of taking the wrong drugs. Therefore, the most important thing is to find the cause of this situation. If there is no obvious stress, research will have to be done. Blood morphology will allow you to detect possible anemia or deficiency of other minerals or proteins, which affect the condition of the hair. It is usually helpful to change the diet and supplement it with appropriate vitamin and keratin preparations. The doctor may decide to administer other agents as well. Additionally, medicated shampoos can stop hair loss. First of all, you need to stay calm, because in most cases, lost hair grows back.

In search of a specialist

A good doctor's job is to help the patient. Especially such a delicate problem as hair loss requires appropriate reactions from a specialist. Finding such a person is sometimes time-consuming. Some doctors believe, hair loss is not a problem, which must be taken seriously. They ignore the patient's feelings. His self-esteem, which drops drastically. His social relationships, which become severely disturbed. His problems with finding a job, partners, etc.. This could result in depression. Therefore, hair loss should not be treated in terms of an insignificant aesthetic aspect. This condition is no less important than any other. Dermatologists are most prepared to advise a hair-losing patient. We usually start our search by asking friends or searching websites. It may happen, that we will have to visit several offices before we find the right one. The basic rule is: if a specialist, which you will go to, he spreads his hands helplessly, go to someone else immediately.