

Breastfeeding is recommended for all mothers, which are healthy and have food. Specialists point out a number of advantages of this type of meals for a toddler. It is not only the baby who benefits from this, but also the woman herself. It is the healthiest food for a baby, what he can get at the very beginning of his life. It has all the nutrients, which should be provided to the infant. in addition, breastfeeding is positive for the woman herself. It turns out, that it speeds up the recovery period after giving birth, it is beneficial to the health of a new mother. Moreover, breastfeeding protects against breast and ovarian cancer. Additionally, allows you to return to the former figure faster, because, to provide your baby with food, the mother's body uses energy that reduces calories.

Breast-feeding, though it is a natural activity, this, however, requires some training by the mother. She is already taught in the hospital, how she should latch her baby to the breast, to enable him to catch the nipple with his mouth most comfortably. Except that, young mom needs to know, how to take care of it, so that the milk really reaches the toddler's mouth, without spilling sideways. Primarily, keep in mind, that the baby must face the breast, and the mother should support the baby from behind. Bringing her head to her breast, you need to help the newborn to embrace the entire nipple, substituting him with the largest possible area of ​​the nipple. This not only enables more effective suction, but also protects against nipple biting and the painful sucking of the baby.

If you feel discomfort while feeding, try to find the reason for this. Cracked warts can be treated with the use of appropriate compresses and ointments that strengthen the skin structure. Good though, if you consult it with your gynecologist. Perhaps skin problems result from the lack of a proper diet and too little vitamins in your diet. Remember that, that your food is also extremely important for your baby's health. The value of your food depends on this, what you eat yourself. Especially the emphasis should be on green vegetables and everything, which contains a lot of vitamin B.. This will strengthen your body. Otherwise, if you have lost weight after pregnancy, then you can afford a little more calories, to have strength for daily activities and to provide food to the offspring. Swollen, sore breasts can be covered with specialized preparations or covered with boiled cabbage leaves. Such home remedies provide a lot of relief.