We care for skin with dilated capillaries

spider-faceA network of red veins forms on the face then, when extremely fragile and brittle blood vessels are located shallow under the epidermis layer. The ailment is usually congenital, however, its exacerbation is also influenced by external conditions: intense sun, sharp wind, large temperature fluctuations.

Ladies with sensitive skin react with strong blushes to any temperature changes. Over time, the thinnest blood vessels cannot withstand blood pressure and burst – most often in winter, after leaving a warm room to frost. Permanent mark on the skin, also called a spider, it may appear after visiting the solarium or after drinking alcohol. Red dots, veins and asterisks appear not only on the face, but also on the legs, back and shoulders.

Let's protect the skin.

Person, whose capillaries break easily, she should especially take care of it, that her skin is protected against the effects of the weather. Before going outside, you should put a protective cream on your face and apply a foundation, which will not only additionally protect the face, but also covers dilated capillaries. Then it is good to cover the skin with a layer of loose powder.

Ladies with vascular problems should use cosmetics specially designed for them, containing, among others. protective filters and plant extracts (e.g.. from horse chestnut, mountain arnica, citrus fruits or ginkgo biloba). The series of preparations for skin with dilated capillaries are suitable, e.g.. produced by companies: Eris, Inter-Fragrance, Flos Lek or Soraya. These series include creams, gels, tonic, lotions and masks. They constrict tiny blood vessels, they strengthen their walls and reduce the risk of new cracks. So far not invented, unfortunately, means, which would eliminate the existing ones, ,fishing line”.

Treatments in a beauty salon

If, despite the use of cosmetics, skin changes continue to disfigure, you can undergo treatments in a beauty salon, significantly improving the appearance of the skin.

If the changes are not big, irradiation with a sollux lamp is suitable (one treatment 3 PLN). In order to narrow the capillaries, galvanization is used (10-15 treatments, in price 10 PLN for one) or iontophoresis (5 treatments, in price 28 PLN one). The slight electric current acts on the skin, constricts the vessels and reduces skin redness.

A radical way to eliminate spider veins is electro-coagulation. A special needle is inserted under the skin, powered by electricity. The cost of the procedure depends on the extent of the skin lesions (15 PLN plus 0,80-1,50 PLN for each vessel). The method is painful, but effective. After the treatment, a scab remains on the skin, which must not be scratched. It is best to electrocoagulate in the fall or spring, when air temperature fluctuations are not too great. There is then less risk of additional skin irritation.

Beauty defect or symptom of a disease.

Red 'veins” not only disfigure – they can (though they don't have to) be a signal of serious diseases. Bursting blood vessels can be caused by high blood pressure, blood coagulation disorders, hormonal fluctuations (therefore the problem often arises in irregular menstrual periods, menopausal women or using hormonal contraceptives).

Spider veins also appear in people suffering from gastric acidity and frequent constipation. Bursting vessels may be a signal of one of these ailments.

People with sensitive skin should consult a doctor. If they are diagnosed with any of the aforementioned diseases, it is advisable, that they undertake specialist treatment as soon as possible.

Healthy lifestyle
If there is a tendency to break capillaries, we should not only take care of the skin, using appropriate cosmetics, and also lead a hygienic lifestyle.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. They contain vitamin C., which seals the blood vessels.
Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, by taking over-the-counter medications (e.g.. fitoven, venescin, rutinoscorbin), containing, among others. B vitamins, routine, horse chestnut extract.
Absolutely give up smoking - nicotine weakens the elasticity of blood vessels.
Limit coffee drinking, strong tea, alcohol. Stimulants increase blood pressure, which promotes vessel bursting.
Avoid eating hot meals, especially with hot spices – they promote skin hyperemia.
Do not expose your face to strong sun for long periods, strong wind, heavy frost.
Take summer, no hot baths. Do not rub the body with an excessively sharp brush.
Avoid frequent visits to the sauna and solarium.