It will be independent?

shy child“My grandson developed with a certain delay from the beginning, but problems arose when I started learning. He was repeating first grade. Research in the psychological and pedagogical counseling center showed mild mental retardation. The child has to change school. What may await him in adulthood? Is it necessary to change schools ?”

The child's difficulties arose when he started learning that required abstract and cause-effect thinking. It was beyond his capabilities. If the boy is not coping with his responsibilities, and the school for the next year would be for him only a source of failures and stress leading to emotional disorders, this lowering of the requirements in relation to it is entirely justified. Special education is also conducted at the post-primary school level and prepares for work in a specific profession. Therefore, the granddaughter has a full chance of being an independent person in adulthood. It will probably only require help in new situations, difficult e.g.. economically. Earlier failures, reduced level of criticism, the associated susceptibility to undesirable environmental influences may pose additional risks. Therefore, warm emotional ties with his family will be important for the boy's further development, the care and acceptance shown by its members.