Difficult conversations with the supervisor

sick womanThere are situations, where a serious conversation with the boss is essential. How to conduct it, to achieve the intended goal?

You do, that you deserve a raise, but you don't know, how to talk about it with your supervisor. You're just afraid, that your boss may misunderstand your intentions and that you will put yourself at risk. But if you prepare for this conversation and conduct it sensibly. you have a chance of reaching your goal.

Three basic principles
There is no universal way to talk to your manager. The easiest way to find one is, speaking matter-of-factly and firmly, the second will, that the employee is compliant and submissive. However, there are always three basic rules.

  • Don't be nervous.

Don't start a conversation, if you are annoyed and embittered. Put it aside for a while, until you calm down. Then it is easier to find the right arguments. Try to control your voice and gestures. When you speak confidently, look your boss in the eye, and the hands will not tremble, will see you as a determined and competent person, and therefore it will be easier to agree with you.

  • Przygotuj się do spotkania.

Think beforehand, what do you mean. Write yourself even in points: what is your problem, what do you want to achieve and what paths do you see to the goal. Thanks to this, the conversation will be specific and constructive.

  • Wybierz odpowiednią porę.

The overlord must have time to talk. So don't catch him, for example. in the elevator. Ask, to find a moment for you and say, what do you want to talk about. Then he will be able to prepare for the meeting.

How to talk
The method of conversation and the type of arguments must be adapted to the problem, which we want to solve at the meeting with the boss. And yes:

if you think, that you were unfairly missed promotion

Consider, or e.g.. the boss has no objection to your work. Record the number of tasks assigned to you and due dates, in which you fulfill them. This information can turn out to be invaluable arguments when talking to your boss.

When you feel, that your work is underrated

Ask directly, is the boss happy with you.
if not – ask why, if so – say bluntly, that you would like, so that his recognition is confirmed, e.g.. in bonus. When asking for a raise Save yourself, How long do you work, when you got your last raise, how much do you want to earn and what have you shown recently. Ask the boss, is he planning a raise for you. if not – say, that you came on about it and explain, why do you expect a higher salary.

When you are overloaded with responsibilities First, emphasize your satisfaction with the job, but add, that you feel overburdened with responsibilities. So you can't do your job that well, if you want to. As a result, this situation will have a negative impact, e.g.. on the work of the entire department. Ask the boss, to think about your words and suggest a different distribution of responsibilities in the team or maybe creating an additional job.

If the superior is recommended to you

The faster you react to the boss's behavior, the better. Otherwise he will make sure, that he has your consent to the courtship and you will continue to wade into awkward situations. You can jokingly let him know, that you are not interested in flirting. If the supervisor does not change his behavior anyway, openly and firmly say, that you do not wish to be treated this way. As a last resort, you can threaten to bring him to court (Sexual harassment cases at work are winnable).